Indian Wave of Amateur Radio
This is the mother organization in West Bengal to promote Ham radio . there is no specific date of the journey of the organization because it was grown up through various initiatives. It took a long period and had been faced with many challenges. Earlier, we were used to be part of many science exhibitions in the association of ‘Paschim Banga Bigyanmancha ‘and it is a story of the beginning which started over two decades.
In that period Tapas Kumar Chakraborty , VU2TKC was the Advance Grade llicence holder who motivated us to became amateur radio operator . it was purely technical interest to us and we were highly motivated by him. We were used to creating electronic modes and he is the person who guided us. Blinking of LEDs was the cause of great joy to us and he helped us to showcase electronic models in the science exhibitions.
I can remember that more than twenty candidates got cleared their ASOC exam in 1998 to 2000 from International Monitoring Station (IMS), Kolkata but not getting a licence for a long time . We received kind help of an engineer, Irshad Ahmed AWA New Delhi who helped us to issue all pending Amateur Radio license.
IWAR has organized many promotional seminars about HAM Radio in High School and technical colleges.
We had been conducting countless Amateur Radio activities with Government of West Bengal and many other entities like
- West Bengal Police
- St. John Ambulance
- Rotary Club
- Kolkata Police
- Red Cross
- Belur Math
- AIR Kolkata
Many short wave listeners got their ham licensees from our organization and can claim that we had generated a maximum number of hams in Bengal, purely based on their performances. Rejection and failure were common to us and I got cleared ASOC GR-II after giving exam for seven times. However , due to passion and following philosophy of our pride, radio scientist Sri Jagadish Chandra Bose, we never stopped to cultivated amateur Radio activities and technical experimentation.

We don’t believe that ham radio is the second line of communication to our government during the disaster and we found that some organizations using this policy to get promoted in media. Ham radio is a vast subject and opened for technical experimentation only.
Our policy is simple, enhance your technical knowledge and be passionate about the subject , Ham radio . There is no relation of Amateur Radio there the disaster management. However, this is our own thought and we have no objection with anyone those who are used to play these activities. It is a purely technical hobby.
Meanwhile, we have reduced our activities in the recent period , and it’s very limited now due to lack of participation and passion towards the subject, amateur radio. We stopped generating ham radio operators. Most of the candidates are looking for easy pass out through different practices nowadays.
We have permitted for a repeater station but due to lack of the fund , we are still unable to run the repeater station. We love the subjects and those who have a real passion for amateur radio are welcome. We are the birds those who have interest free positive thoughts and flocked together.
Please Feel Free to Call Us
If you have any question in mind regarding Ham Radio, our Antennae and Accessories feel free to contact us via Mail, WhatsApp or Phone.